Protežući se kroz Austriju, Hrvatsku, Mađarsku, Srbiju i Sloveniju, tokovi rijeka Drave, Mure i Dunava ekološki su najvažnija europska riječna područja, koja WWF s partnerima želi proglasiti UNESCO-vim Prekograničnim rezervatom biosfere Mura-Drava-Dunav/Spanning Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Slovenia, the Danube, Drava and Mura Rivers are among Europe’s most ecologically important riverine areas. WWF wants to declare the area as Transboundary UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube
The decision to build a hydropower dam at Hrastje Mota on the Mura River in the Slovenian part of the planned TBR MDD is further pushed ahead. Though the Environmental Impact Assessment on this project is still ongoing and results not know yet the Slovenia government asked already for EU funding for this project.
According to Radiotelevizija Slovenija (see link), the planned Mura dam at Hrastje Mota was included by the Slovenian government into the draft National Reform Programme, which was sent to Brussels last week to be considered for funding under the Juncker's investment plan.
As we reported in February, funding for planned dams on the Drava River in Croatia was already declined by Juncker's commission. “We expect that the EU Commission will again not grant funding for this nature destructive dam project on the ecological important Mura River” says Arno Mohl, conservation expert at WWF.
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